Terry Fox Run Information

The annual Terry Fox Nottawa School Run -will take place Friday October 7th, 2022. 

Once again, Mr. Bridson will be running the school track from 7:30am to 3:30 pm in memory of his wife, Mandy, a former teacher with SCDSB, who lost her battle with cancer, as well as all the other Nottawa families who have been affected by this disease. Each class will be selecting a time to run with Mr. B throughout the day, culminating with the school community joining him for last period to celebrate the run.  The class that fundraises the most money will win a pizza party, and the largest independent donation will get a chance to gently place a pie in the face of Mr. Morin

You have 2 ways to donate online – we will not be collecting money at school.

 1. School cash online. Donations made using School Cash Online will not receive a tax receipt.

 2. Terry Fox Foundation – https://schools.terryfox.ca/11076 If you require a tax donation receipt please donate through this link.

Thank you for your support of this worthwhile cause.